HypoSmalldog Xr (Das Nächste), 2016/2017
HYPOSmalldog, 2016/17
In the 1960s anthropologist E.T. Hall has developed the concept of proxemics, a theory determining the extent to which interpersonal signals are reflected in the spatial environment. Numbers of distance in inch and centimeter made it possible to measure what was in between words, “The Hidden Dimension” of a social relation.
The HYPOSmalldog is a tool developed on the exact distances described by E.T.Hall. The measurements are translated into a functional object. Distances between two individuals are being symmetrically adjusted by the two telescope-like arms of the pieces.
Marion Eisele regarding “Das Nächste” in: Nina Nowak – About the body and other supposedly familiar equipment
HYPOSMALLdog XR (Das Nächste), 2016/17
Series of 3 metal objects and poster.
poster: HYPOSmalldog XR, C-Print, 84 x 114cm
installation view " HYPOSmalldog XR" at Richa's Digest, Cologne, Germany 2017
metal objects:
Das Nächste, 2016/17
polished steel, varnish, rotational table.
objects are expandable from 120 - 600/800cm. 45 cm width, 15 cm height.
installation view "Zeroes on the Loose", Städtische Galerie im Park, Viersen, Germany 2016.

HYPOSMALLdog XR (Das Nächste), 2016/17. Installation view Städtische Galerie im Park, Viersen, 2016.